Construction and Demolition Debris Rates

Rates effective July 1, 2023

For collection of used or discarded materials removed from premises during construction, or renovation of a structure resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition operations on any house, or residential property, commercial building, pavement, or other structure.  Please visit the Alameda County Public Works Agency for information about Construction and Demolition recycling requirements.

Construction & Demolition Rates (Per Pull) 
Service Level C&D
6 CY Drop Box $288.28
14 CY Drop Box $378.01
20 CY Drop Box $523.33
30 CY Drop Box $892.85
40 CY Drop Box $1,190.27
20 Yard Compactor $1,046.45
30 Yard Compactor $1,553.97
40 Yard Compactor $2,071.94
Other Size Compactors (per CY) $51.80
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