CVSan General Manager Elected as CASA President

Castro Valley Sanitary District’s (CVSan’s) General Manager (GM) Roland P. Williams, Jr. was recently elected as the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) President and will serve through 2026. CASA represents over 125 local public agencies that engage in the collection, treatment, and recycling of wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. For over 60 years, CASA has served as the leading voice for wastewater agencies on regulatory, legislative, and legal issues.  

“Over 20 years ago I attended my first CASA conference, and it was clear to me from that moment that CASA was a forward-thinking organization dedicated to helping make real change by helping form regulations. I immediately wanted to be a part of it!” stated General Manager Williams. “In fact, CVSan was one of the original six sanitary districts that helped to form the Association. It is an honor to serve as the President of CASA and to continue to help CASA advocate on behalf of wastewater agencies throughout the state.

Congratulations to GM Williams on your appointment for a two-year term as President of CASA.